This project is the unofficial Huazhong University of Science and Technology undergraduate thesis LaTeX template. Taking into account the school templates that can be found on the internet are seriously outdated, I reproduced the template, in line with the 2017 HUST undergraduate thesis official template format.
Project link: Github, welcome to subscribe.
Template Example

Full sample can be found at PDF sample document.
how to use
In windows
- Download this template latest release version;
- Download and install the latest version of MiKTeX (recommended) or TeX Live;
- Open TeX works and set the default compilation tool (Edit-> Preference-> Typesetting-> Processing Tools-> Default) for XeLaTeX + MakeIndex + BibTeX;
- Create a new tex document and save it in a folder, copy all the files in the Template folder to the folder
- Use \documentclass {HustGraduPaper} in new tex documents using template-defined styles
If you are experiencing any problems with this template, you can email me or leave a message at the end of this article.
For more information, please refer to instructions, or check the example under Example Folder .